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Lorazepam Transdermal Gel

Prescription required.

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About this product.

Lorazepam Transdermal

  • Lorazepam is a medication that can be used in dogs and cats for controlling seizures, managing anxiety or phobias, and potentially increasing appetite in cats. It is mainly used for treating epilepsy and preventing and treating nervousness and fears.
  • Lorazepam may cause drowsiness, clumsiness, increased drooling, increased vocalization, increased appetite in cats, and increased affection, depression, irritability, hyperactivity and other unexpected behaviors in dogs which may slow down the training process. These side effects are more likely to occur when starting the medication or increasing the dosage.
  • Lorazepam may cause serious side effects like yellowing of the eyes, skin, or gums (jaundice) which is rare, liver problems in cats, decreased or lack of appetite, depression, vomiting, physical dependence, and severe withdrawal symptoms if discontinued abruptly. If you notice any of these signs, contact your veterinarian immediately. If you are concerned about these issues or wish to stop giving the medication, please consult with your veterinarian.
  • Lorazepam can be administered with or without food. If your animal experiences vomiting or becomes ill after taking the medication on an empty stomach, try giving the next dose with a small amount of food or a treat. If cats continue to vomit after receiving the medication, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

Directions for administration.

  • Wear gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with the medication. If you do not have gloves, a piece of plastic food wrap around your finger will suffice.
  • Veterinary transdermal products are typically dispensed in syringes. Other options are available for some products.
  • To administer a dose, take the syringe cap off of the tip of the syringe. 
  • Use the plunger on the end of the syringe to push out the prescribed amount of transdermal product onto your protected finger. Do not use a cue tip or cotton ball to apply, as these items will prevent accurate dosing.
  • Apply the medication to the hairless part of the ear, just inside the ear flap, and rub in gently for 10-15 seconds. Most of the transdermal product should absorb.
  • If directed by the prescription, alternate ears with each dose.
  • Some transdermal products may be applied to different areas of the pet’s body. Always follow the veterinarian’s instructions for application.
  • It is typical for residue to build up in the pet’s ears after several treatments. To ensure proper absorption, it is important to clean and dry the ears before each application (unless explicitly told otherwise by your veterinarian). A washcloth with warm water is all that is needed to clean the ears properly.

Medication storage. 

  • Transdermal medications should be stored at a controlled room temperature.
  • Transdermal medications should be stored in an opaque container or inside of an amber bag to protect it from light.
  • It is very important to know that storage requirements vary on a drug-by-drug basis. Please reference and follow the specific storage recommendations for each individual drug. These recommendations can be found on the prescription label or auxiliary label affixed to the prescription bottle.

How do I request a refill of my medication?

There are three ways to refill your prescription at Northwest Compounders:

  • Call the pharmacy at 503-352-3811 and press “0” to speak with any staff member. We will be happy to assist you with your refill request.
  • You may also call the pharmacy at 503-352-3811 and press “2” to leave a voicemail requesting a refill. We will call you when your order is complete to let you know that it is ready for pick up or that we are shipping it out (per patient preference).
  • Finally, you can request a refill online.

Can my order be shipped?

Northwest Compounders offers free shipping on every order. 

Can my order be shipped to me in a different state?

Northwest Compounders is currently licensed in and can ship medications to OR, WA, AK, HI, CA, ID, NV, MT, WY, UT, CO, AZ, NM, ND, SD, NE, TX, MN, IA, OH, MO, LA, WI, IL, IN, VT, NY, NH, NC, SC, GA, PA, and FL. Northwest Compounders has licenses pending approval in MI, RI, ME, and CT, and will be able to ship into these states soon.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Please allow a period of 1 to 3 business days from the time it was ordered for your medication to be delivered. Orders placed at 4:30pm or later may take up to 4 business days to arrive in rare circumstances.

I left my medication out of the fridge accidentally, is it still okay to use?

Most of our liquid medications are stored refrigerated for flavor purposes only. If your bottle is labeled with an auxiliary label that says “may refrigerate,” refrigeration is not required for stability. If your bottle is labeled with an auxiliary label that says “refrigerate,” it is best to call the pharmacy at 503-352-3811 to confirm stability after a period of unrefrigerated storage.

What is the proper way to dispose of unwanted medication?

  • Unwanted and unused drugs may be dropped at some police and sheriff stations.
  • Unwanted medications may also be brought to a hazardous waste facility or collection event in your area.
  • If you must dispose of the medication at home, the best way to do so is to fill a ziplock bag with kitty litter or coffee grounds and dump the medication into the ziplock bag. The ziplock bag containing the grounds/litter and medication can then be disposed of in your regular garbage.
  • If you have non-expired medication that you no longer need, you may be able to donate it to a veterinary clinic. It is best to check with the clinic beforehand to see if they are able to accept your donation. 

Is it possible to return an unused compounded medication for a refund?

Due to the custom-made nature of compounded medications, we are unable to accept returns and cannot offer refunds on medications once compounding has been performed.

How can we help you?

We’re here to answer any questions.

Sarah Muse

Marketing Specialist

B.S. Integrated Marketing Communications, University of Mississippi, 2021

Team Member since September 2024

Joshua Reed, CPhT

Hazardous Compounding Lead

Team Member since April 2020

Paul Donald, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team Member since July 2020

Julian Sonnenburg, PharmD

compounding pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University, 2020

B.S. Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, 2013

Northwest Compounders Intern, 2019

Team Member since June 2024

Regina Karpa, PharmD

Compounding pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Southern California, 2007

B.S. Psychobiology, University of California of Los Angeles, 2003

Certificate in Veterinary Compounding

Certificate in Personalized Dermatology

Certificate in Personalized Hormone Replacement Therapy

Certificate in CORE Compounding Training

Team Member since April 2024

Announcement: Our pharmacy will be closing early at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 31 and closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1 for New Year’s Day. Please schedule your next prescription or refill request with this in mind.

Announcement:  Our pharmacy will be closing early at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and closed on Wednesday, Dec. 25 in observance of Christmas. Please schedule your next prescription or refill request with this in mind.

William Kenward, CPhT

project manager

Team member since 2015

Chris Gralian, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2019

Rose Hood, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Matthew Peterson, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Helen Dubintsov, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Shannon Kimball, PharmD

Compounding Pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2022

B.S. Biohealth Science, Oregon State University 2019

Team member since 2018

Mark Liu, PharmD

Compounding Pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2005

BA Biology, Reed College 1998

12 years of retail experience

Team member since January 2017

Jill Snyder, RPh

Compounding Pharmacist

B.S. Pharm. 1994 Oregon State University

5 years of retail pharmacy experience

17 years of long-term care experience

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2016

Team member since May 2016

Scott Williams, RPh

Compounding Pharmacist

B.S. Pharm. 1992 Oregon State University

24 years of experience in Retail Pharmacy

Team member since November 2015

Certificates in CPR, Diabetes Management, Immunization, Cholesterol Management and Medication Therapy Management

Bob Templin, RPh

compounding pharmacist

B.S. Pharm. 1976 Oregon State University

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2019

Over 37 years of pharmacy experience

Over 33 years as a Pharmacy Manager

Team member since February 2013

Megan Gustafson, PharmD

Director of Training

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2021

B.S. Bio-Health Sciences, Oregon State University 2017

Team member since 2016

Sam Llona, PharmD

Director of Sterile Operations

Doctor of Pharmacy, Creighton University 2019

B.S. Biology, Santa Clara University

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Certificate in Human Compounding, PCCA, 2016

Certificate in Veterinary Compounding, PCCA, 2017

Team member since September 2019

Vivian Pham, PharmD

Senior Operations Manager,
Director of Accounting

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2016

Has worked as a technician, bookkeeper, pharmacy intern and now pharmacist for Northwest Compounders

Team member since May 2008

Jessie Vo, PharmD

Pharmacy Manager,
Director of Quality Assurance

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2011

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP

Team member since January 2006

Luke Eilers, PharmD

Chief Executive Officer

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2014

B.S. General Science, Oregon State University 2011

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2018

Certificate in Basic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP

Team member since October 2005

Tom Eilers, RPh

Founder, Chairman

B.S. Pharm. 1976 Oregon State University

Founder, Northwest Compounders 2005

Member, International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists

Member, PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)

Certificate in Basic Compounding Techniques, PCCA, 2001

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2005

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP, Washington State SOP

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