Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and GS-441524 Treatment for Cats

What is FIP?

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a severe viral disease caused by feline coronavirus. It leads to serious, often fatal, inflammation in the cat’s organs, especially the liver, kidneys, and brain.

How Does FIP Affect Cats?

FIP can cause fever, weight loss, abdominal swelling, and neurological symptoms. It is most common in cats under 2 years of age but can affect adult cats as well. If left untreated, FIP can result in organ failure and death.

In the past, FIP was considered a fatal disease with no viable treatment options. Supportive care was the only option, with little hope of recovery.

Treatment for FIP


What is GS-441524?

GS-441524 is an antiviral medication that has been used successfully in treatment of FIP. It works by inhibiting the virus’s replication, helping your cat’s immune system fight the infection.

How is GS-441524 Used?

Northwest Compounders offers a compounded formula of GS-441524 in an easy-to-use oral liquid form. The treatment typically lasts for several weeks, with visible improvements often occurring within days of starting the medication.

GS-441524 Available in an Oral Liquid

50 mg/mL

  • 10 mL – $109.00
  • 20 mL – $179.00
  • 30 mL – $239.00
  • 60 mL – $348.00

What we offer.

Price Matching Policy

We will meet or beat any compounding pharmacy’s price on any compounded medication.*

*In rare circumstances, we may decline to perform a price match, at our discretion, if the competitor’s price is below our cost to fulfill the order.


A variety of free and upgradeable shipping options are available for urgent or economical preferences.

Extensive Reach

Currently licensed in and shipping to 32 states.

Announcement: Our pharmacy will be closing early at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 31 and closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1 for New Year’s Day. Please schedule your next prescription or refill request with this in mind.

Announcement:  Our pharmacy will be closing early at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 24 and closed on Wednesday, Dec. 25 in observance of Christmas. Please schedule your next prescription or refill request with this in mind.

William Kenward, CPhT

project manager

Team member since 2015

Chris Gralian, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2019

Rose Hood, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Matthew Peterson, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Helen Dubintsov, CPhT

Quality Control Lead

Team member since 2016

Shannon Kimball, PharmD

Compounding Pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2022

B.S. Biohealth Science, Oregon State University 2019

Team member since 2018

Mark Liu, PharmD

Compounding Pharmacist

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2005

BA Biology, Reed College 1998

12 years of retail experience

Team member since January 2017

Jill Snyder, RPh

Compounding Pharmacist

B.S. Pharm. 1994 Oregon State University

5 years of retail pharmacy experience

17 years of long-term care experience

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2016

Team member since May 2016

Scott Williams, RPh

Compounding Pharmacist

B.S. Pharm. 1992 Oregon State University

24 years of experience in Retail Pharmacy

Team member since November 2015

Certificates in CPR, Diabetes Management, Immunization, Cholesterol Management and Medication Therapy Management

Bob Templin, RPh

Director of Training

B.S. Pharm. 1976 Oregon State University

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2019

Over 37 years of pharmacy experience

Over 33 years as a Pharmacy Manager

Team member since February 2013

Megan Gustafson, PharmD

Director of Training

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2021

B.S. Bio-Health Sciences, Oregon State University 2017

Team member since 2016

Sam Llona, PharmD

Director of Sterile Operations

Doctor of Pharmacy, Creighton University 2019

B.S. Biology, Santa Clara University

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Certificate in Human Compounding, PCCA, 2016

Certificate in Veterinary Compounding, PCCA, 2017

Team member since September 2019

Vivian Pham, PharmD

Senior Operations Manager,
Director of Accounting

Doctor of Pharmacy, Oregon State University 2016

Has worked as a technician, bookkeeper, pharmacy intern and now pharmacist for Northwest Compounders

Team member since May 2008

Jessie Vo, PharmD

Pharmacy Manager,
Director of Quality Assurance

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2011

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP

Team member since January 2006

Luke Eilers, PharmD

Chief Executive Officer

Doctor of Pharmacy, Pacific University 2014

B.S. General Science, Oregon State University 2011

Certificate in Veterinary Pharmacy, 2018

Certificate in Basic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2014

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP

Team member since October 2005

Tom Eilers, RPh

Founder, Chairman

B.S. Pharm. 1976 Oregon State University

Founder, Northwest Compounders 2005

Member, International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists

Member, PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America)

Certificate in Basic Compounding Techniques, PCCA, 2001

Certificate in Aseptic Compounding, PCCA 2005

Preceptor for Pacific University SOP, Oregon State SOP, Washington State SOP

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